QAnon is a load of trolls, they make up weird stories initially started to parody cookie Reddit conspiracy channels They are as much a white supremacy group than the Proud Boys who have a mixed Black-Cuban leader that held an anti-Domestic Terrorism rally when Democrat Party rallies brutally attacked a journalist.
If you seriously think that QAnon or Proud Boys are white supremacists, when their leadership are clearly black men then you seriously need to check your sources for bias.
Look up the origins of QAnon, the conspiracy about QAnon being real is when Media Matters (a DNC pressure group that blackmails businesses to suspend advertising on media that is not extreme left and subsequently campaigns on Twitter to cancel them if they don’t pay) amplified a totally unverified story on Twitter about a deep state Q-person in the Trump admin. Off course QAnon amplified this exposure even more and it became a meme which the media still don’t understand is a troll. Moreover, the originate of the Q meme was most likely a left-wing Hispanic-mixed disabled person.